Kaylee's not-a-blog » Food » Crockpot » Aldi's Bremer pepperoni pizza frozen "stuffed sandwiches"

Aldi's house brand ("Bremer") generic HotPockets are pretty decent, so I decided to try them in my crockpot.
Here's their pepperoni pizza frozen "stuffed sandwiches".


The box, and nutrition info:

in the crockpot, puffed up after baking for about 2 hours:

these are much easier to set up than brand name HotPockets. :)

after baking for about 2 hours, bottom:


closeup of inside:


The crisping packaging makes these very easy to set up.
There's no noticeable difference in taste from a microwave.
This is 100% win, and I highly recommend trying them. :)

© 2020 "Kaylee" c/o PitaFree.com
Last update: 2020-Sep-03