Kaylee's not-a-blog » Food » Crockpot » Dollar Tree Brownie Cookie bar mix

Saw a box of this at Dollar Tree, and could not resist. :)


The seductive box, and nutrition info:

instructions and contents:

After mixing, bottom brownie layer in crockpot, with some of top cookie layer:

after adding rest of cookie layer, ready to bake:

after baking for about 4 hours:

cross section:



I hadn't realized it consisted of two parts, so it was more fiddly than I expected.
Despite that, it was good enough that I'll definitely buy it again. :)

I made only about half the box, and used both egg and butter powder.
Next time, I'll cook it a bit longer, probably about 5 hours.

Note:  I made this on a warm day, and had my vent fan on while it was baking, which almost eliminated the Aroma Therapy.
About 3 hours after I started baking it, I turned off the fan, and was almost immediately hit by some excellent Aroma Therapy. :)
The crockpot is at the opposite end of the van from where I work, and it did not significantly warm up the inside.

© 2020 "Kaylee" c/o PitaFree.com
Last update: 2020-Aug-16