Kaylee's not-a-blog » Food » Crockpot » (semi) carmelized onions, first attempt ("meh")

Recently I found an intriguing recipe for a burrito whose ingredients included carmelized onions, which I initially rejected since carmelizing onions would require far too much fuel...
then it occurred to me that it might be possible to do that task in my crockpot.

I searched online, and easily found directions, so (of course) tried it. :)

Update: Further research strongly suggests that crockpots can not truly carmelize, however my experiments have produced satisfactory results, so I do recommend visitors try this... whatever these are. :)


Chopped raw onions (one entire onion) and a dollop of margarine, ready to cook:

After 4 1/4 hours:

One of the ingredients of the burrito recipe was potatoes (specifically "tater tots"), so I decided to try making hashbrowns in the crock, and added some rehydrated ones at this time.
Right after starting the onions cooking, I had measured the hashbrowns (by eye) to roughly equal the onions, and failed to take into account that the onions would cook down.
The ratio of potatoes to onions ended up being far too high.

After 6 1/2 hours, with hashbrowns:


This was an experiment, and I had high Hopes yet medium expectations.

The onions were very easy to prep and start.
The aroma therapy was excellent, just short of Bread. :)

I failed to test taste the final onions on their own, and instead immediately attempted to construct the burrito. That's when I realized I'd made far too much, both of the onions and hashbrowns. :(
I ended up with two pseudo burritos, that were too full to roll up, though they were easy to eat "open" faced.

The meal, overall, was good, however the ratio of onions plus potatoes was way too high.
Next time, I'll make half as much onions, and use about a quarter the volume of potatoes in some other form (or skip them entirely).

© 2022 "Kaylee" c/o PitaFree.com
Last update: 2022-Oct-20