Kaylee's not-a-blog » Food » Meals » Chopped Cheese sandwich

Recently, on the Reddit "sandwich" sub, I found out about the Chopped Cheese sandwich, which immediately intrigued me.

One huge benefit is that its main spoilable ingredients overlap with my copycat Crunchwrap Supreme, so it's a handy way to use up extras and have more variety (eating a half dozen crunchwraps, back-to-back, can get tiresome, even for me). :)

I searched YouTube, found & watched a couple of videos showing how to make this, then, the next time I had the right combination of ingredients, tried making some...
it was easy, and very tastee! :)



Cooked onions, beef, and cheese:

About a third, loaded into a cheap hot dog bun:

After adding lettuce, tomato, and mayo:

Another sandwich:

Estimated Calories & Cost:

item Calories Cost
beef 210 $0.71
onion 90 $0.24
cheese 100 $0.17
3 hot dog buns 330 $0.56
Lettuce 8 $0.19
Roma Tomato 12 $0.17
sauce/mayo 40 $0.09
Totals: 790 $2.13

© 2023 "Kaylee" c/o PitaFree.com
Last update: 2023-Apr-29