Kaylee's not-a-blog » Food » Reviews » Trail's Best Summer Sausage (Dollar Tree)

This spring, I tried several new-to-me cured meat products, including summer sausage, and was pleased with its free fridge nature.
My only issue was that its size is larger than all my regular cured meat products, so it requires more meal planning to avoid spoilage.
Early August, I spotted this smaller size summer sausage at a Dollar Tree, and immediately grabbed one to try.
This was located on the bottom shelf in the nuts & healthy snacks area, and in a separate mini shelf at the front of the store.

From one sausage, over a three day period, I made three batches of two tortilla pseudo pizzas, and one pasta meal (with onions and diced tomatoes), for a total of four satisfying meals.
During my next Dollar Tree visit, I picked up four more sausages, and plan to buy at least that number next visit. :)


The front of the package:

Closeups of Ingredients & Nutrition info:

Rear of the package, showing contents:

Unwrapped & sliced, first day:

Unwrapped & sliced, second day:

Unwrapped & sliced, third day:

Part of tortilla pseudo pizza meal (with canned diced tomatoes):

Part of pasta meal (with onions and canned diced tomatoes):


This product is an excellent size (5 ounces, 140g) for fridge-free folks!
Its price ($1.25) to size ratio is better than any other mainstream summer sausage (which typically are 8 to 16 ounces), so this is 100% win. :)

The ingredients list seems non problematic to me, and (IMO) the taste was pleasantly fine.
Both its calorie & protein cost somewhat beat vienna sausages (the previous cheapest cured meat product that I stock), and the taste majorly beats viennas.
This is now a standard part of my pantry. :)

The only issue is that the "best by" date is ambiguous (i.e. in this case "03/08/23").
Its shelf life is either about 7 or 12 months. I'll try to stress test one, and I'll update this page if I'm able to buy one with a non ambiguous date (in about 5 months).

© 2022 "Kaylee" c/o PitaFree.com
Last update: 2022-Sep-05