Kaylee's not-a-blog » Food » Tips » stovetop Popcorn

One of my guilty pleasures is microwave popcorn, which isn't viable in my van.
Last winter, I had bought a bag of popping corn (DollarTree $1 for 20oz(567g)), intending to use it while visiting a friend who has a popcorn air popper.
An emergency caused us to cancel, so that bag of corn has been sitting in my snacks tub for months.

It finally occurred to me to try making it in my taller pot on my butane stove.
First time, it worked perfectly, was very easy, and took almost the same amount of time as microwave popcorn. :)
I had been nervous about the risk of being spattered by hot oil, however the pot's cover has small vent holes, which, combined with the height of the pot, were enough to prevent spattering.

The technique is simple: Known Issues:


Tall cooking pot, with vent holes at nearer edge:

Kernels at bottom of pot, with a bit of oil:

Popped corn in pot:

Final, ready to eat:

After eating, almost no waste:


My pot is about 5" across and about 5" tall.
I use about 30g of popping corn (I guessed the first time, then tweaked to optimize the final yield of popped corn to my pot size).
That results in a volume of about 1 liter, with a calorie count of 100 (for just the corn).
On average, I use 2.5 grams of butane (range of 2.0 to 4.0 g).
Cost is about 9 cents per serving (about 6 cents for the popping corn and oil, 3 for the butane).

Bonus: A bag of popping corn is significantly more compact (space efficient) than the equivalent amount of microwave popcorn, and there's far less packaging. :)

© 2021 "Kaylee" c/o PitaFree.com
Last update: 2021-Nov-24