Kaylee's not-a-blog » Food » Meals » Egg(s) within Tortilla "Bowl", with BaconBits & cheese & green pepper

Making scrambled eggs inevitably involves cleanup.

Recently, while making pan-fried tortilla pseudo-pizza, it suddenly occurred to me that if I prepared and cooked eggs on top of a tortilla, the tortilla would act both as a mixing bowl and as a grilled tortilla, potentially eliminating cleanup and producing a tastier meal.

First time I tried it, it worked very well. :)
I had used two eggs, and it ended up being somewhat wetter and bulkier than was to my tastes, so the second time I used just one egg.
One egg was still slightly wet, but IMO was a better fit to the tortilla.
I recommend you try each, and see which you prefer. :)

Usually, I run my stove at medium, however I was sure the tortilla would cook faster than the egg mix, so used a somewhat lower heat setting, to avoid burning the tortilla.
I'm still experimenting with the "best" heat setting and welcome feedback on what works well for others.

As with pseudo-pizza, I use just a bit of oil in the pan - considerably less than I normally use with eggs. :)
Note also that I use freshly ground pepper, because, like Frater Secessus, "I am not an animal". ;)


All ingredients, in "bowl", ready to mix:

mixed, ready to cook:

after frying (still slightly wet):

after folding, showing very crispy bottom:

Bottom line:

Competent-Paranoid Tip:

Whenever I make eggs, to avoid salmonella & other disease risks, I carefully crack the egg(s), pour the contents into a bowl or directly into the cooking vessel, then put the shells into my urine toilet paper container (a covered large size fastfood soda cup) and immediately use hand sanitizer to thoroughly disinfect my hands.

If it's a two part egg dish (e.g. hashbrowns), I first turn off the stove, and let the pan cool somewhat, so I can focus on hygiene first, then separately focus on any mixing/etc of the eggs.

© 2021 "Kaylee" c/o PitaFree.com
Last update: 2021-Jun-30