Kaylee's not-a-blog » Food » Meals » pan fried tortilla pseudo Pizza using freeze dried mozzarella cheese

After buying some recently expired tortilla wraps (at half price), I ran out of regular cheese, didn't want to make a town trip for just one ingredient yet did want to use the tortillas fairly quickly.
The solution was to use some freeze dried mozzarella cheese (Augason Farms), which I had opened almost three years ago.

As an experiment, I added warm water then left it overnight, in hopes that the extra time would improve the flavor.
It worked. :)
There was still a slight chemical taste, but significantly less than usual.

I made six different pseudo pizzas, over five days, and all were satisfactory & a nice morale boost. :)


The cheese, in an individual serving fruit cup (empty & reused):

The cheese, after rehydrating overnight:

After stirring a bit:

Cheese and dry basil leaves on a tortilla, in my pan:

After adding diced tomatoes and bacon bits (and more Light):

After cooking, cheese is stretchy, as demonstrated by the clump on top of a tomato at the top right
(I had spooned out some excess liquid (from the tomatoes) and had inadvertently scooped up some cheese):

Another version (with pepperoni, and dry basil leaves), after cooking:

Another version (with sun dried tomato, bacon bits, and dry basil leaves), after cooking:

This was my last tortilla, so I ended up using far more cheese than "normal" (i.e. all remaining rehydrated cheese).

Bottom (of first version (with diced tomatoes & bacon bits)):

© 2021 "Kaylee" c/o PitaFree.com
Last update: 2021-Nov-24