Kaylee's not-a-blog » Food » Meals » BST sandwich (Bacon bits, Sprouts, sun dried Tomato) on "inside out" grilled English Muffin

This year, the price of lettuce has been ridiculous, plus the most economical bag is somewhat large, so, to avoid waste, it imposes a limited diet, until it's finished.
Now that Spring has finally returned, the solution was simple: restart my sprout "farm". :)

Last weekend, I harvested the first batch (it had been ready for a few days), and made two BST sandwiches (i.e. Bacon bits, Sprouts, sun dried Tomato).
I was out of bread, so I used the technique I had stumbled upon of using "inside out" grilled English Muffins.
The combination worked very well. :)
The more complex texture of the sprouts was particularly notable when combined with the muffin's crispy nooks & crannies.

The sprouts are 6 day old lentils (grown from grocery store lentils that I bought almost 4 years ago), and are my first batch in a much smaller container than I've used in the past.
Specifically, they were grown in a repurposed hazelnut spread jar. :)
One of my goals this summer is to maintain about 2 to 3 jars, spaced out, so I'll regularly have a moderate quantity. I'll be posting a detailed overview, soon-ish.


All components:

Muffin, upside down, with mayo to stabilize the bacon bits:

After adding the bacon bits:

Sprouts layer:

Sun dried tomatoes layer:

Another layer of mayo:

Inside out top of muffin, nicely grilled:


Calories & Cost (for one sandwich):

item Calories Cost
English Muffins 120 $0.25
Bacon Bits 40 $0.22
Sprouts ? $0.01
Sun Dried Tomato 10 $0.05
mayo 40 $0.09
Totals: 210 $0.62

Using sprouts, instead of lettuce, saved me about $0.14 per sandwich. :)
Using bacon bits instead of regular bacon, saved me about $0.08 per sandwich, even though I used somewhat more. :)

© 2023 "Kaylee" c/o PitaFree.com
Last update: 2023-May-16