Kaylee's not-a-blog » Food » Techniques » Sprouting Lentils

After several experiments, here's the Optimal / Lazy way I grow sprouts in my van.

Lentils sprout particularly quickly, can be bought inexpensively at almost any grocery store, so they're a great seed to start with. :)
After you buy a bag, try just a few, to make sure they're the kind that will sprout.
My first bag was Kroger's generic (the food/eating type), and cost $1.59 for a pound.
Subsequent bags have been from Dollar Tree, and currently cost $1.25 for a pound.

I use a two pound potato salad container (thoroughly washed), that has a shallow channel around the bottom, which is useful for letting excess water collect / drain.
The lid is definitely not air tight, and is excellent for draining water and letting in air.
The square shape makes it much easier to drain water at a corner, than any round container.
Bonus:  it's repurposed & free. :)

In general I use much less water than conventional recommendations.
The first overnight soak, I use just enough water to cover the seeds plus about one centimeter.
The next morning, I drain the old water, add in about the same level of water to rinse, return the lid & agitate it somewhat vigorously, then drain again.

The first soak water has the most debris (sometimes it is brownish), and should be discarded.
The regular rinse waters can be reused, however it's best to boil them (e.g. use for ramen, tea, coffee, etc).

After each rinse, I transfer the seeds to a bowl, dry the potato salad container, place a folded paper towel in it (to absorb excess water), then return the seeds.

I reuse the paper towels for general cleaning around the van.


Morning #1, after soaking overnight and first rinse:

Morning #2:

Morning #3:

At this stage, they're edible, and it's recommended that you sample them each day to decide when you prefer them.

Morning #4:

Morning #5:


Sprouting is much easier and more frugal than I expected.
It safely fulfills my craving for fresh produce. :)

It does consume water, and produces more grey water than all my other sources.
Note that water from the main rinses can be reused, though it's prudent to boil it (I've started reusing it in ramen and tea).

So far, I've snacked on them raw, and as part of:

I'll update this page as I experiment more.

© 2020,2023 "Kaylee" c/o PitaFree.com
Last update: 2023-Aug-26