Kaylee's not-a-blog » Food » Meals » Pasta with stewed tomatoes & FD-Beef

This was another experiment that worked out wonderfully my very first time, and has become a regular part of my meal rotation. :)


This produces a sauce with zero to very few undesireable "extras" (salt, suger), yet costs much less than high end "natural" sauces.
The sauce is simultaneously watery and truly chunky. :)
I genuinely enjoy this far more than canned/jarred pasta sauce. :)

I generally make this when it's cool weather.
I use a cleancut can opener to open the can, then replace the cover after using the first half of the contents.
Since I don't have a fridge, I either make two batches in one day,
or make one meal for dinner then another batch for brunch the next day, to use up the can. :)


Final, ready to eat:


item amount used cost (range) calories
pasta 1/4 lb $0.25 390~ cal
diced/stewed tomatoes 1/2 can $0.24 - $0.32 60 cal
meat + $0.33 (WAG) 75 cal
vegetable(s) + $0.10 (WAG) 25 cal
Parmesan Cheese + + + cal
Total:   $0.92 - $1.00 + 550 + cal

Costs of pasta and tomatoes were based on Aldi and other budget/"generic" brands.
I based my meat "WAG" (Wild-Assed-Guestimate) on the time I used about one third of a can of ham chunks (dollar store, 5 ounce size).
I based my vegetable WAG on how many meals I got out of my last 2 onions.


© 2021 "Kaylee" c/o PitaFree.com
Last update: 2021-Feb-16